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How to use the ISVapp Feature Management

Last modified on 2024-06-24

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The Feature Management module is one of the central components in ISVapp. It allows ISV and OEM partners to map out components (Custom Objects, Lightning Components, Apex Operations etc.) from managed packages into meaningful features.

Creating or Updating Features

Note: you need to have admin permissions within ISVapp to create and modify features. Your ISVapp account owner can grant you these permissions under Setup > User Management.

Creating or updating features in ISVapp is straight forward. Navigate to Setup > Feature Management > Define a New Feature to get started. When configuring features, you can choose from a set of available component types.

ISVapp Feature Management - Define a New Feature

Additionally, after adding a custom object component to a feature, you can go ahead and further include or exclude specific operation and log record types:

Refine Custom Object Filters in ISVapp Feature Management

After creating or updating a feature, ISVapp will automatically calculate or recalculate its usage data. It will also update historical usage data, ensuring that the feature chart accurately reflects the feature's definition across the entire timeframe.

The recalculation usually completes within 24 hours and is indicated by the "Recalculation pending" badge. During this period, data for certain months may temporarily disappear.

Mapping of ISVapp Feature Definitions to Salesforce AppAnalytics events

Feature Components

The table below illustrates how ISVapp feature components map to the underlying raw data custom entity types provided by the Salesforce AppAnalytics API:

ISVapp Feature Component Type

Raw Data Custom Entity Type

Custom Objects


Lightning Pages


Lightning Components


Visualforce Pages


Apex Executions

ApexClass and ApexTrigger

Refined Custom Object Filters

ISVapp in-app CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) types map to the following operation types:

ISVapp CRUD Type

Raw Data Operation Type





Read (SOQL)


Read (SOSL)






Log Record Type Mapping

ISVapp in-app operation sources map to the following log record types:

ISVapp Operation Source

Raw Data Log Record Type

Apex Execution


Apex REST Web Service


Apex SOAP Web Service




Bulk API (v1)


Bulk API (v2)


Apex Scheduled Job


Platform Event


Apex Batch Job




Unassociated CRUD


Salesforce UI Interaction (URI)


Visualforce Remoting


Visualforce Request


Lightning Page View


Lightning Interaction


Applied Event Filters

ISVapp applies a set of default filters that help you to get more precise usage numbers. Currently the following events are being excluded for all engagement and feature usage calculations:

  • Events from tests

  • Events for non-existent Visualforce pages

  • Events without subscriber organization

Using Feature Taxonomies

If you have a comprehensive application, multiple managed packages, or simply a high number of features, consider setting up a feature taxonomy. This allows you to define a hierarchy for organizing your feature definitions.

This capability was introduced in June, 2024 (you can read the announcement blog post here).

Example Scenario

Consider an ISV/OEM partner with two managed packages on the Salesforce AppExchange, each representing a separate product. Both are already tracked in ISVapp, and their essential features are mapped out using the above approach.

A good initial taxonomy could define two hierarchy levels:

  1. Product (either Package A or Package B)

  2. Product Area (parts within each product, spanning across multiple features)

Enabling Taxonomies

First, enable Feature Taxonomies by navigating to Setup > Appearance > Enable Taxonomies.

Creating Your First Feature Taxonomy

To create the example taxonomy mentioned above, go to Setup > Feature Taxonomies and follow the wizard. Within the hierarchy modal, create two hierarchy levels: Product and Product Area. Once the hierarchy is set up, you can create the actual products, product areas, and the features they include. The taxonomy wizard will guide you through this process.

Using the Feature Taxonomy

After setting up your taxonomy, the user interface under Product Insights > Features will change slightly. You will notice a tree navigation on the left, allowing you to view usage data for each level of your product hierarchy.

Best Practices for Rolling Out Feature Taxonomies

To use feature taxonomies without confusing your colleagues during the setup, follow these steps:

  1. Create a temporary user group under Setup > User Groups for yourself or the team working on the taxonomy creation.

  2. Assign yourself to that user group under Setup > Users.

  3. Within the newly created user group, enable the taxonomy setting.

By following this approach, you can control who sees the taxonomies during the setup. Once you are ready, go to Setup > Appearance and enable the taxonomy setting for all users.

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