2022-10-03 — ISVapp Blog

October Feature Update: REST API

REST API ISVapp Feature Update Integration JSON API
The ISVapp REST API allows customers on the the Unlimited Plan to consume ISVapp metrics in a programmatical way and request raw usage data.

In order to programmatically integrate data from one system into another, APIs are a popular tool. They define an interface (as in Application Programming Interface) for reading and writing data. The interface defines which type of data is available (objects and their attributes) and how to interact with it, e.g. which actions are available on the data.

The new ISVapp REST API defines a JSON-based interface to consume certain data points from the ISVapp platform. A common use case of it is to automatically integrate data into third-party systems.

In its initial version, the ISVapp REST API supports the following use cases:

  • Request a list of active Accounts

  • Request an ISVapp metric summary for a given Account by Salesforce or ISVapp ID

  • Request a list of raw data requests ingested via the Salesforce App Analytics API

  • Request a list of signed download URLs for a given raw Salesforce App Analytics API request

You may use whatever tooling or programming language works best for you when integrating with the ISVapp REST API (e.g. Java, Python, C++, C# etc.). Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional API capabilities. We're curious to hear your use cases.

Where can I find the new functionality?

This feature is available to customers on the Unlimited Plan upon request. Please contact ISVapp support to enable the feature. Once enabled, you can create API keys under Setup > REST API. The documentation can be found here.

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